So a summary of the week, with some high and low points.
- Blood Bowl Release
- 40K Pre-Orders
- Game Playing
- Painting Progress
- Blood Bowl Release
- 40K Pre-Orders
- Game Playing
- Painting Progress
Painting Progress
Not really made much progress this week, as you can see from the picture above my 500pt Cult Army ready for the campaign is still only partially painted and games start next week (Beginning of December). Still on the 'to be done' part is:
- 10 Guardsmen
- 5 Acolytes
- 5 Metamorphs
- 5 Genestealers
- Magos
A tight turn around none the less.
Blood Bowl Release
So, having played the computer game for the last few years and the original game (Go Skaven!) I dived in and got myself a full starter set bundle:
- Board Game
- Death Zone Season 1
- Skavenblight Scramblers Team
Having pre-ordered I got a nice special play card 'the early bird', which safe to say is an interesting addition.
From a brief look the rules seem largely unchanged from the last edition Living Rulebook that was circulating last year, which is a great thing. I like that the random and other events deck is included. There is lots of reference to a 'magic items' deck that will be available soon, so watch this space for that one.
The death zone book is a nice addition for league and campaign play, as well as having a nice range of details for upgrades and injuries table.
40 Pre-Oders ' Click Bait'
Being an avid 40k Chaos Space Marine fan and having alwalys longed for a return to the good old days of legion specific abilities there is a ray of hope for me that I can return to the chaos space marines in the next few months with a great release window, more specifically: Traitor Legions.
I have always loved the Word Bearers specifically and there ability to show fanatical devotion to a cause, much like we do to this hobby/lifestyle. Having read a few of the horus heresy books as well the Thousand Sons from 'A Thousand Sons' were an amazing story and one that I have always remembered....the moment the Thousand Son loses control and becomes a giant spawn infront of the Wolves of Russ, a splendid moment of GW Lore.
Having seen the pre-orders, I love Magnus the Red and is on a to paint list at some point but what I am more impressed with is the Rubric Marine and Occult boxed sets, an ideal mashing with Burning of Prospero.
Back in 5th edition my Thousand Sons List at 1500pts was:
- Ahirman
- 3 squads of Thousand Sons in Rhinos
- 9possessed in a Rhino
This list was made from the old upgrade packs, where the marine bodies had changed size but the metal parts had not....the amount of Green Stuff gap filling and blending was needed! As well as the days when the aspiring sorcerer in the squad of Thousand Sons could pay points for its Psychic Power.
The highlight of that army was Ahirman using 'Bolt of Change' to wreck a Necron Monolith, a series of 6s were needed and achieved! A very devastated opponent as this was the good old days of the phase out rule for necrons.
Game Playing
Last week a game of 40k vs Fi - and a trial battle report (41mins for 1000points) - messy camera work and the alike. This week (two games in two weeks) was a 2000pt Sigmar battle with James - Fyreslayers (me) vs Destruction Medley (James).
After 3/4hours of filming we only got to Turn 3 and the battle report (again still work in progress) will be uploaded in the coming week or so (lots more to refine and check this time).
I may look at 'short form' battle reports with just turn summaries to speed up game playing but have enjoyed the endeavour in filming and posting the battle report...Just the editing and uploading time.
There is the update, have a great hobby week everyone.