Sunday, 6 November 2016

Weekly Update - Prepping and Building

I have launched the idea for a narrative escalating campaign (starting at 500pts) with a few friends and have got to work out what sort of army to take for it, so it has been a busy week of building models and painting bases (cool new sector imperialis ones). The only thing i have finished this week is the chimera and the neophyte hybrid squad seen above. I have done a lot of bases though!

From the picture below, you will be able to see the range of things I have been working on:
- Tyranids
- Genestealer Cults

The first concept list I was thinking of for the campaign was a Tyranid CAD:
- Hive Tyrant (Heavy Cannon, Lash Whip and Bonesword) - seen below
- 2 units of warriors (all rending claws, 2 with deathspitters nad 1 with a cannon)
- Zonathrope / Venimthrope

However after watching a few battle reports from MiniWarGaming with I really want to get stuck in with my Genestealer have come up with two lists:

List 1:
- Brood Cycle and a Scout Sentinel Battle Brother for the Genestealer Cult Insurrection Detachment

List 2:
- Cult Cad (Magos and 2 squads of neopytes in Chimeras)
- Subterranean Assault formation

I really quite fancy the subterrean assault formation as it lets you roll two dice on the Cult Ambush table (3 with a Primus) so better chance of getting that 6 to charge from ambush. HOWEVER, the first list allows me to gian the benefit of the GC Detachment with the regenerating models straight away!

Anyone has had positive/negative experiences of the cults and what works well, would be interested to hear your thoughts in the comments

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