Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Quiet Time Over Christmas

A quick update as it is Christmas...

Got in a total of two games for the Escalation Campaign, the first was against James (which we filmed) and a shortform battle report test video will be following shortly) and the second was against Callum's Deathwatch.

For the escalation campaign, it was pick a 500pt Force and escalate it 250 every month (with a bit of map shenanigans to keep it going).

My force is:

- Patriarch, Level 2
- 10 Hybrids with a Leader, Grenader Launcher and Flamer (x2)
- Magos, Level 1
- 5 Purestrain Genestealers
- Subterranean Uprising (6 Acolytes, 5 Acolytes, 5 Metamorphs)
- Armoured Sentinel with Lascannon

A lot of models for 500pts and just through sheer weight of numbers, was able to table both my opponents....when you can roll the warlord trait choose your ambush result, you will always pick a 6 and wreck face!

I also visited somerset, and caught up with the lovely people at Wargaming at Radstock. An awesome club I used to be a very active member of, when I lived in the area. They play a wide range of systems and shameless plug for the club that still holds my hobby home!

The facebook group for these guys is here: Facebook - Wargaming at Radstock

I had a very enjoyable two games of Malifaux, the first against Gav and the second against my friend Matt.

It re-kindled my desire to play Malifaux so have invested in terrain and am going to be running intro's with my friends and get more on board.

I got a great deal on a load of terrain from:

3mm MDF that i look forward to using in my upcoming games of Malifaux.

When it arrives and is assembled i will be showing off the pieces.

2017 Goals:

Get playing more Malifaux (and actually get it painted)
Develop the blog more - videos and one shots games
Focus on a single project for each system at once *ooo something shiny*

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