Thursday, 29 December 2016

RTD:Wargames - Batrep2

Battle Report Attempt Number 2

500pt Escalation Campaign Game

Comments Welcome

Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Quiet Time Over Christmas

A quick update as it is Christmas...

Got in a total of two games for the Escalation Campaign, the first was against James (which we filmed) and a shortform battle report test video will be following shortly) and the second was against Callum's Deathwatch.

For the escalation campaign, it was pick a 500pt Force and escalate it 250 every month (with a bit of map shenanigans to keep it going).

My force is:

- Patriarch, Level 2
- 10 Hybrids with a Leader, Grenader Launcher and Flamer (x2)
- Magos, Level 1
- 5 Purestrain Genestealers
- Subterranean Uprising (6 Acolytes, 5 Acolytes, 5 Metamorphs)
- Armoured Sentinel with Lascannon

A lot of models for 500pts and just through sheer weight of numbers, was able to table both my opponents....when you can roll the warlord trait choose your ambush result, you will always pick a 6 and wreck face!

I also visited somerset, and caught up with the lovely people at Wargaming at Radstock. An awesome club I used to be a very active member of, when I lived in the area. They play a wide range of systems and shameless plug for the club that still holds my hobby home!

The facebook group for these guys is here: Facebook - Wargaming at Radstock

I had a very enjoyable two games of Malifaux, the first against Gav and the second against my friend Matt.

It re-kindled my desire to play Malifaux so have invested in terrain and am going to be running intro's with my friends and get more on board.

I got a great deal on a load of terrain from:

3mm MDF that i look forward to using in my upcoming games of Malifaux.

When it arrives and is assembled i will be showing off the pieces.

2017 Goals:

Get playing more Malifaux (and actually get it painted)
Develop the blog more - videos and one shots games
Focus on a single project for each system at once *ooo something shiny*

Monday, 12 December 2016

Chaos Space Marines - Slannesh Warband (Based off EC)

So having read traitor legions, cover to cover, multiple times....

Although all of the Legions are really cool and interesting (still loving the new Thousand Sons Models)

After further reading of this beauty:

Alongside my Genestealer Cults army, I am going to create a Slannesh Warband, using the frame work for Emperor's Children to start the Warband and then add more as my Lord rallies people to his cause from other factions.

Having been a big fan of the mutations of Fabius Bile, I have created my own Lord (Picture to follow in a future post) based on the ideas of the lord mutating his warriors to help in the cause. (Made up from a marine, space marine commander, heresy armour, Sanguninary Guard Head and a Apothercary backpack). 

Effectively, Going for:

Chaos Lord, Mark of Slannesh, Veterans of the Long War, Sigil of Corruption, Bolt Pistol and *Blissgiver* 

Blissgiver = Daemon Weapon with a you take a unsaved wound, leadership test or remove from play.

The Basic Army List:

Chaos Lord (as above)
2 x Marine Squads 
1 x Terminators
1 x Raptors
1 x Havoc

Chosen of Chaos
Daemon Prince
3 x Possessed

Very much going for the heavily mutated warriors that have been experimented on. 


Sunday, 11 December 2016

Busy Week - 40K Game

It has been a busy week with not a lot of hobby progress.

I did however get a 1000point game against Grey Knights on Thursday at GW Reading.

It was a nice little game. My list wasL

Genestealer Cult Detachment

Patriarch, Level 2
Magos, Level 2
Brood Cycle (2 x Neopytes Squads (Flamer/GL) in Chimeras, Armoured Sentinel with Las, Exterminator Leman Russ)
Subterranean Rising (2 x 6man Hybrids, 5 MetaMorphs with Whips)
12 Genestealers 

Grey Knight List (ish)

Grand Master
Brother Champion
2 squads of terminators 
10 Purifiers in Rhino
Vindicaire Assassin

Just played a simple kill game and did not get a single 6 on Ambush Rolls, so deployed very defensively to stop the assassin and squads killing me off.

Everything kept going back into reserve to redeploy but never really worked until the last turn.

By the end of the game, I tabled my opponent and had lost 6 hybrids and 6 genestealers total.

On happines news, Chaos have received much love in the form of traitor legions and after having poured through it al lteh additional rules and wargear makes perfect sense for each legion, the issue is deciding which way to go forward.

Saturday, 3 December 2016

December Starts - 40K and Bloodbowl

This week sees the release of the Thousand Sons and the pre-order or the awaited 'Traitor Legions'. Hacing had a quick read through of the new Thousand Sons Supplement, a few cool/key points come to mind:
- Points cost is high for these models (23 for a TS, 30 with a flamer)
- To get Tzeentch on your side, in each formation you need to take the max number of units, so this will have to scale up to bigger games
- Magnus is a beast, but has a high cost (still awesome though at Mastery 5)

Space Hulk is back on general release for a limited period. Love the game and if you have not already got a copy, make sure to pick up one!

I have just played my first game of the new bloodbowl system with my skaven team (that again is out of stock on at GW) - winning 3-0 against a Nurgle Team. Love the new models and love the mechanics still. Hoping for more poses and converting up an Island of Blood Rat Ogre to complete the force!

40K Campaign is due to begin at 500pts. The aim was to have 500pts painted but I still need to get done:
 - 5 Genestealers
- 5 Metapmorphs
- 10 Guardsmen
- Magos

It continues....

Sunday, 27 November 2016

The Week That Is/Was

So a summary of the week, with some high and low points.
- Blood Bowl Release
- 40K Pre-Orders
- Game Playing
- Painting Progress

Painting Progress
Not really made much progress this week, as you can see from the picture above my 500pt Cult Army ready for the campaign is still only partially painted and games start next week (Beginning of December). Still on the 'to be done' part is:
- 10 Guardsmen
- 5 Acolytes
- 5 Metamorphs
- 5 Genestealers
- Magos

A tight turn around none the less.

Blood Bowl Release

So, having played the computer game for the last few years and the original game (Go Skaven!) I dived in and got myself a full starter set bundle:
- Board Game
- Death Zone Season 1
- Skavenblight Scramblers Team

Having pre-ordered  I got a nice special play card 'the early bird', which safe to say is an interesting addition. 

From a brief look the rules seem largely unchanged from the last edition Living Rulebook that was circulating last year, which is a great thing. I like that the random and other events deck is included. There is lots of reference to a 'magic items' deck that will be available soon, so watch this space for that one.

The death zone book is a nice addition for league and campaign play, as well as having a nice range of details for upgrades and injuries table.

40 Pre-Oders ' Click Bait'

Being an avid 40k Chaos Space Marine fan and having alwalys longed for a return to the good old days of legion specific abilities there is a ray of hope for me that I can return to the chaos space marines in the next few months with a great release window, more specifically: Traitor Legions.

I have always loved the Word Bearers specifically and there ability to show fanatical devotion to a cause, much like we do to this hobby/lifestyle. Having read a few of the horus heresy books as well the Thousand Sons from 'A Thousand Sons' were an amazing story and one that I have always remembered....the moment the Thousand Son loses control and becomes a giant spawn infront of the Wolves of Russ, a splendid moment of GW Lore. 

 Having seen the pre-orders, I love Magnus the Red and is on a to paint list at some point but what I am more impressed with is the Rubric Marine and Occult boxed sets, an ideal mashing with Burning of Prospero.

Back in 5th edition my Thousand Sons List at 1500pts was:
- Ahirman
- 3 squads of Thousand Sons in Rhinos
- 9possessed in a Rhino

This list was made from the old upgrade packs, where the marine bodies had changed size but the metal parts had not....the amount of Green Stuff gap filling and blending was needed! As well as the days when the aspiring sorcerer in the squad of Thousand Sons could pay points for its Psychic Power.

The highlight of that army was Ahirman using 'Bolt of Change' to wreck a Necron Monolith, a series of 6s were needed and achieved! A very devastated opponent as this was the good old days of the phase out rule for necrons.

Game Playing

Last week a game of 40k vs Fi - and a trial battle report (41mins for 1000points) - messy camera work and the alike. This week (two games in two weeks) was a 2000pt Sigmar battle with James - Fyreslayers (me) vs Destruction Medley (James).

After 3/4hours of filming we only got to Turn 3 and the battle report (again still work in progress) will be uploaded in the coming week or so (lots more to refine and check this time). 

I may look at 'short form' battle reports with just turn summaries to speed up game playing but have enjoyed the endeavour in filming and posting the battle report...Just the editing and uploading time.

There is the update, have a great hobby week everyone.

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

40K FAQ - Its HERE!

So all of the crowd sourcing of ideas and rules has finally been published. You can check out the full set of FAQ (15pages on the Black Library website)

A few highlights that I have noticed already, that has a meta changing impact:

- Beasts/Cavalry are now initative 1 through terrain
- Jump Packs now measure vertical distance (so can go a max of 12inches, using the angles)
- ICs cannot gain formation benefits (SAD TIMES)
- Units with multiple psykers cannot cast same power (looking at you Grey Knights and Eldar Seer Councils)
- If someone is an arse on placing a model where enemy models cannot be placed (due to cheeky terrain) - they can still charge
- Tank Commanders in Formation cannot be upgraded to PASK
- No more embarking in friendly transports in deployment phase for Battle Brothers - (stops alot of the drop armies)
- Feel no Pain, although not a save, can trigger gear that is saved (e.g. Feel no Pain save of a 6+, will now trigger the reflecting ability on Kastelan Battle Robots).


Lists that will take an automatic hit with the nerf bat (even with the roll of a 1):
- Flesh Tearers Drop Pod Detachment with Mechanicum Allies (no more drop podding Skitarii)
- Skyhammer with attached characters
- Grey Knight and Librarius Conclave Turn 1 Deployments 

Monday, 21 November 2016

Monday Night Update - Zoanthrope and Genestealer Cult

Over the weekend I built my first Goliath truck (4.5hours) and it looks awesome, I cannot think of how to paint it yet!

I personally really enjoyed the truck but those front rotary blades are as nasty and crazy as the Seeker Chariots of Slannesh!

I have also whilst waiting for washes to dry on Hybrids (squad 2 in progress) -  I have been working on a Zoanthrope for the Tyranids - same scheme as the Patriarch

Am really happy with the skin again and a very simple feathering on the purple armour (I have trialled full feathering and it failed miserably, so focusing on armour plate edges).

The brain is awesome again,  I followed the guide in 'Invasion Swarms' - Teclis Blue, Gulliman Glaze, Highlight the brain with the Barroth Blue edge paint and then put on White Scar in places (I focused mainly on the extremly raised brain parts).

A positive weekend and start to the week, with Game 2 of the BatRep with James...Maybe Sigmar or another 40K game! Bring on the refined filming and further progress in the narration!

Friday, 18 November 2016

An Attempt at a Bat Rep

So Thursday night marked a new era for me, not only was it my first game with the Genestealer Cults but also Fi and myself tried to film it. After a few issues or dice rolling without the camera rolling (no names mentioned, and it wasn't me) we got over 300 shots of our 5turn 1000pt Game.

It is very rough around the edges and is just a trial format for now, any comments and critiques would be very much welcomed - i know there is a couple of lighting issues and stuff but only with feedback can something improve.

It is hosted on youtube, but you can watch it from below, it is not currently listed as it is a test format:


Saturday, 12 November 2016

The First Generation / Blood Bowl Release

I have finished the first 5 of the Genestealer Cults - First Generation Hybrids

Maybe going for a Tyranid Model next, but with the release of 'Blood Bowl' - There is another distraction to add to the pile (Pre-Orders Today - Great Value for £65)

In my infinite dice joys! I have ordered a new set of the Skaven Block Dice - I love me some dice!

Debating the pre-order still as I not fussed with the human or orc team, but in all the computer games I have always played Skavenblight Scramblers - Love a Gutter Runner with +1movement, Extra Long Legs and and Sprint - TURN ONE SCORING FROM THE LINE!

Thursday, 10 November 2016

Genestealer Cult - WIP Acolyte Hybrids

This week so far I have just had an evening to work on some acolyte hybrids. I wanted to tie them into my guard and nids, so at the moment am playing colour match.

The bases were done as part of my progress last week and now i am trying to get the correct colour blend. 

I started with Chaos Black and then Mech Grey as a prime+base.

Normal weapons are just pure metal, the tattered robes are going purple to blend with the patriarch and tyranids...the fatigues are going to go ushabti bone (zandri base) to help tie in wtih the guard progress

Skin is from the GW paint guide (i love them for hints and tips) and am hoping that this will all blend well together.

Sunday, 6 November 2016

Weekly Update - Prepping and Building

I have launched the idea for a narrative escalating campaign (starting at 500pts) with a few friends and have got to work out what sort of army to take for it, so it has been a busy week of building models and painting bases (cool new sector imperialis ones). The only thing i have finished this week is the chimera and the neophyte hybrid squad seen above. I have done a lot of bases though!

From the picture below, you will be able to see the range of things I have been working on:
- Tyranids
- Genestealer Cults

The first concept list I was thinking of for the campaign was a Tyranid CAD:
- Hive Tyrant (Heavy Cannon, Lash Whip and Bonesword) - seen below
- 2 units of warriors (all rending claws, 2 with deathspitters nad 1 with a cannon)
- Zonathrope / Venimthrope

However after watching a few battle reports from MiniWarGaming with I really want to get stuck in with my Genestealer have come up with two lists:

List 1:
- Brood Cycle and a Scout Sentinel Battle Brother for the Genestealer Cult Insurrection Detachment

List 2:
- Cult Cad (Magos and 2 squads of neopytes in Chimeras)
- Subterranean Assault formation

I really quite fancy the subterrean assault formation as it lets you roll two dice on the Cult Ambush table (3 with a Primus) so better chance of getting that 6 to charge from ambush. HOWEVER, the first list allows me to gian the benefit of the GC Detachment with the regenerating models straight away!

Anyone has had positive/negative experiences of the cults and what works well, would be interested to hear your thoughts in the comments

Thursday, 27 October 2016

Escalation Campaign Idea - Comments and Critique Welcome

40K Escalation Campaign – Map Based

Starting Armies
Each army starts as a 500pt force, which can be made up of any units from a set of codexes. You must have a single HQ choice that is your Warlord for this campaign.

This can be as thematic as you like – fluff would be fun!

This army will be used in each game in the first round, without modifiers.

Map Based Campaign
This will be a map based campaign based on a similar system to planetary empires. The path to victory will to be to gather 10 territories of the Drusus Marches in the Calixis Sector to claim the world for their rightful faction.

The Drusus Marches is a series of worlds with vibrant hive cities, wilderness and an ongoing warzone with the local PDF trying to combat an Ork Insurgence. The Koronous Passage is a stable but volatile warp route.

Around the Drush Marches is a range of important landmarks and their bonuses:
-       Power Stations (+1 to deployment, picking who goes first)
-       Shield Generators (modifies claim rolls)
-       Manufactorums (Bonus points for having the most)
-       Command Bastions (a Bonus USR for a specific unit in that game)
-       Hive Cities (Counts as one of each of the above)
-       Spaceports (capturing support and allows inter-planetary travel)

Round Structure
Each round, typically a month, you can play as many games as you like. Each victory allows you to attempt to claim a planet in the end phase of each turn.  If you play a game against someone that is not in the campaign, you can attempt to claim a tile from the ‘Planetary Defence Force’ that controls the planet.

Playing a Game
Pick an opponent, play a game. The following modifiers apply when playing a campaign opponent.
-       For each tile more that one player has, the other gets 50pts per tile difference
-       Manufactorum Bonuses – a bonus 50pt for each manufactorum controlled
-       Specify any Bastion special rules
-       BONUS POINTS are doubled for any army, whose core army is fully painted and based.

Claiming Territories
At the end of the round, for each victory (up to 4) you have the potential to claim a tile as per the rules for Planetary Empires, with Shield Generator Modifiers. You can only claim tiles that are adjacent to your current force, spaceports owned allow you to claim any tile as if it were adjacent).

To claim a tile:
-       Roll 2D6 and add up the total (including any modifiers)
-       If you are claiming a tile from the PDF it is on a 4+
-       IF trying to claim from the Ork Insurgence it is on a 6+
-       If you are claiming a tile from an opponent it is on a 7+.

-       Shield Generator Tile is -2
-       Adjacent to a Shield Generator is -1
-       Spaceport or Hive City is -3
-       Trying to capture more than 1 tile a turn, -1 modifier for every tile capture after 1st

Expanding Your Core Army

Each month the core army will expand by 250pts, until we reach 1500pts.

After 1500pts, you will have a core force and start working on Sideboards which can be added to your army for larger games (up to 2000points). The 1500pts will be static and the sideboards can be swapped game on game. This will allow each person to develop methods to deal with a range of foes.

Models used as part of your Bonus Points system, each game, do not count towards your core army and can be modified each game. Remember that if your army is fully painted and based, you can earn double points from Round 2 onwards.

Half Term - Painting Progress (40K)

So based off the visit to Warhammer World I do not feel great about playing games with unpainted models (were all mech grey) so have hunkered down and made some progress.

Firstly though, the Patriarch for my Genestealer Cults Army....

The basing is very simple, it just uses the new Astrogranite, drybrushed with Dawnstone, then Administratum Grey. 

I have also made progress on some of the 'hybrids' which will make up the planetary defence force for my Cult Army. A test model guardsmen and chimera (using a militarum tempestus scheme)

And finally, based off the paint scheme I have devised for my Genestealer Patriarch I have started messing with a Zoanthrope!

The skin is - Corax White Spray, Ushabti Bone, Carroburg Crimson, Ushabti (non-recess) and then Screaming Skull edge highlight.

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Warhammer World Trip - 25th October 2016

A Trip To The Mecca of Hobby

A long day, travelling from Reading to Nottingham and back with a couple of friends and a loose acquaintance (they know who they are).

A great set of fun was had, playing some Kill Team (200pts) of:
- Orks (Me)
- Genestealer Cults (Me)
- Necrons
- Scions / Deathwatch
- Chaos

We played three quick games (forgot the photos) but thoroughly enjoyed playing some of the missions. My personal fav moments in my games were:
- Game 1 vs Necrons - 3 Ork Boyz charging a single necron warrior and whiffing
- Game 2 vs Deathwatch - Using the Cult Ambush rule an getting to shoot with 3 neophytes - no deaths
- Game 3 vs Chaos - My Cult list cowering in a Chimera, being chased by a Spawn AND my Sentinel whiffing for 5 turns, failing to hit (I totally blame the Genestealer Cult Dice)

Some updates from the Hall of Miniatures as well:

Awesome Dock ready to have a load of evil marines deploy and slaughtering some 'friends'

The Slyvanneth vs Ironjawz board. Looks great and has real life tree roots in it! Only disappointment was that the board was in half, so couldn't get a full understanding of the scene :( 

This was one of the new boards leaked at the 'Age of Sigmar Open Day'.

Some cool cult models, new additions having come from the new releases...some easy inspiration for my own cult army!

Ork Town - A board that makes me happy, would love to get some scenery like this!

And finally something that I had not scene before - There are eldar rangers hiding in the building and with the exception of a couple of genestealers, everyone is ignoring them!